Friday, August 23, 2013

Where is the liberal outrage & justice?

I THOUGHT the race baiters would somewhat settle down after the Zimmerman verdict. I gave them too much credit. I am a gay woman who's family never uttered the L word except to call the practice an abomination. I have been a registered Democrat since the age of 18! I was raised christian but soon learned that organized religion didn't truly believe in the words of the Christ they professed to follow. They used the dark parts of the Old Testament to stir up hatred against minorities, gays and anyone who didn't blindly follow THEIR teachings. Never mind that Jesus never mentions homosexuality, denounced judgement, walked among lepers and ate with tax collectors. That doesn't suit the religious agenda. Love thy neighbor? Fred Phelps and his wacko followers in the Westboro Baptist Church love only attention and hate. Reverend Al Sharpton, and I use the word reverend VERY loosely, can barely hide his contempt for the white race. Nancy Grace? Three reprobates shoot an white Australian college baseball player in the back. The tweets of one little wannabe rapper openly shows hatred to whites, talks about offing some pecker(wood)s and thinks jail creds will help his non-existent rap career. Did he not think about the Aryan Brotherhood in most prisons? Does she mention it? NO! Two black thugs beat an 88 year old World War II veteran to death in a parking lot in Spokane, Washington! Does she do a live show to condemn the senseless death of Delbert "Shorty" Belton? (This particular case really pisses me off because my adopted father proudly served in WWII and his brother was named Delbert.) Crickets from HLN. Grace/HLN puts out a RECORDED show about the death of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls...both of them glorifying "thug Life", slinging dope and guns! Both died violent deaths. And she wants justice?!?!?! What about justice for the 13 month shot in the face in front of his mother by black teens in her own literal back yard of Georgia? She never shut up about wanting George Zimmerman to "get the needle" for killing Trayvon Martin who was beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete. Where are the liberals who chanted "No Justice, No Peace" and wore Trayvon T-shirts, i.e. Jamie Foxx and Shartpon? Do these deaths mean nothing because the victims were white? Where is President Obama, The Commander In Chief of the armed services, when a Purple Heart recipient of the Greatest Generation is bludgeoned to death in a parking lot? Oh! I get it! "Shorty" didn't look like Trayvon! The family of Trayvon Martin hit the TV circuit calling for an end to "Stand Your Ground" laws. But why aren't they revisiting the networks and condemning the violence perpetrated on whites by blacks who openly proclaimed "this is for Trayvon" immediately after the verdict? Why is it only Fox News' cast of black conservatives who are openly standing up and saying ENOUGH? Why is it suddenly unpopular to say American but VERY PC to hyphenate it, read in African-American, Mexican-American, Cuban- American, LBGT-Americans adnauseun? We are AMERICANS! I'm not a big fan of Abraham Lincoln but he believed that a house divided couldn't stand. But the house that is America is constantly being divided. Black vs white. Republican vs Democrat. Rich vs poor. Christian vs Muslim, Atheists, Wiccans. Gay vs straight. ENOUGH ALREADY! Grow up, folks! Life is all give and take. No one side can hoard all of the balls on the playground. When the end comes for this once great country, it will not be because of Islam or Communism. It will be because of the seething volcano of hate, intolerance and bigotry from within our own borders. This house in crumbling. To quote the late Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along?"

Monday, July 29, 2013

Is HLN determined to start a race war? Will this be the Armageddon that so many fear? All during the George Zimmerman trial, Nancy Grace made it about black and white. As a lawyer, she above all else, should know that NOTHING in life is simply black and white. It took her, NBC, CNN and MSNBC forever to tell the truth: George Zimmerman was not white, he is half Hispanic! Grace shouts to the rooftops that she wants to investigate the case, she wants justice and she "makes a difference". She has no respect for the system of justice that is such an integral part of our system and our constitution. What did she do the night the verdict was read? She repeated a false statement, saying that George Zimmerman said f***ing coon, and she said it verbatim, no bleeps. It had been proven last year that that was not what he said. NBC edited the 911 tapes to gin up racial unrest. Grace does two nights of an interview with Trayvon Martin's family and, at the end of the last night, there's a blurb of an interview with a woman concerned for her daughter's welfare after she disappeared from her job at a Harley Davidson dealership. I'd never heard about it before. Then Jean, Grace's stand in, announces that, since the interview was taped, the police found the missing woman dead. Funny how Grace, Velez-Mitchell, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and the other race baiters didn't report about the white folks beaten senseless by blacks saying "this is for Trayvon". Granted, the violence wasn't widespread but it was news nevertheless. What about the 13 month old shot in the face by black teens in front of the child's mother? I didn't hear Nance Grace, Al Sharpton and their ilk demand just for that family. Now the big story on Nancy Grace is about the class action lawsuit brought against American Idol by disgruntled black American contestants. Season 11 finalist, Jerome Jones, refused to be a part of the lawsuit. What does that tell you? It's more ginning up by ambulance chasing lawyers who are playing the race card to get their name in the news, not the names of the plaintiffs. Nancy Grace is right about one thing. She does make a difference in that she throws racial gasoline on any media fire she lays eyes on. Oh yeah! She makes another difference. The cases that Nancy Grace, Chief Drama Queen at HLN, has focused on,(i.e. Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman and Andrea Sneiderman), have resulted in aquitals and/or dismissal. These moronic race baiters don't want justice. THEY WANT RATINGS!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Zimmerman verdict is in and it's a fair verdict according to what I know of law. Nancy Grace and HLN should be held accountable for all of the race baiting done since the night Trayvon Martin died. I, as a rule, never blame the victim. But I can and do blame parents and society for this. Decent Americans of all colors and creeds, as a rule, respect the laws of this country. They do not play the victim card when a verdict is rendered that they don't agree with. The first thing out of Nancy Grace's mouth was that Zimmerman weighed more than Martin and that was quickly picked up on by Jane Velez Mitchell and the HLN quack called Dr. Drew. The first rule of self defense in to use and opponent's weight and size against them. But no one on HLN, CNN or MSNBC ever talks about that! Now Martin's parents go on a media tour and say that Trayvon was not confrontational. While many parents are clueless to their kids behavior, it's not a defense. The non-confrontational Trayvon allegedly hit a bus driver in the face when the driver refused to let him ride free...just days before his death! He was suspended for marijuana, possession of questionable jewelry and possible burglary tools! He didn't live with his dad but it seemed mom wanted to get him out of town quick! White folks would've sent him to grandma or, if they had money, to Military School! These parents sound like the parents of the captain high school football team who bails him out when he's accused of sexual assault on a cheerleader. It's not MY kid is usually followed by she must've asked for it or she led him on. These are the same parents who learn that the class closeted gay is bullied so bad that he or she commits suicide. The parents defense: It was bullying! Kids just teased him/her. Since the internet hit America's households, parents and police have tried to keep kids safe from pedophiles and predators. No responsible parent would allow a kid to join NAMBLA. Why do they allow the sagging which is a PENITENTIARY fashion? Why would any parent allow any child to listen to rap music which glorifies guns, drugs, gold and misogyny? Fox News recently showed Lil Wayne trampling on the American flag. We have a mixed race president but he steps on the flag like a terrorist. HLN was quick to show the failed Stand Your Ground Case where a black woman shot into a wall to deter her husband from beating her. She got 20 years. His defense? He has 5 baby mamas and he has put his hands on all but one. This is okay in the black community? White America is not glorifying the thug life nearly as much as lack America although I do hear it from some white and Hispanic teens. I hear people like Sheri Shepherd saying its a part of black culture. If slinging dope to afford gold, putting a cap in someone's ass, beating your girlfriend and having a bunch of kids by different women is a part of black culture, I am SO glad I am white! Advertisers couldn't wait to drop Paula Deen because she used the N word 20+ years ago, but Trayvon Martin thought it was okay to call what he presumed to be a white person a creepy ass cracker. He learned that racism from his family or rap thugs or both. If the N word is so horrible and disgusting, why is it okay for rappers? A bad word is a bad word so matter who utters it. Hate speech is hate speech...PERIOD. And the idea that a black person cannot be a racist is absolutely absurd! I was walking home in Dallas, TX in the fall of 2010 with both hands full of those irritating plastic bags full of groceries. It was still daylight and I was surrounded by mom and pop stores when a 2007-2009 black Toyota Tundra stopped and the driver asked me for directions. Yes, she was black and had gold teeth but I wanted to be a good neighbor like my parents taught me. As soon as I was next to the driver's door she pulled out a very shiny, chrome plated semi-automatic handgun and demanded my groceries and my wallet. Her last words to me were, "I ain't playing with you, bitch!" So I started to lower my bags, which were twisted around my wrists, to the ground. When that gun was no longer aimed at my chest, I ran and she literally chased me in that truck...until she saw me run into a liquor store. DPD took a report long after she had headed for South Dallas but said they couldn't help me because I didn't get a TAG NUMBER!!! They wouldn't even pull the red light videos so I could identify the truck. Why? If I said it was because I am white and she was black, I would be laughed at by the very same Attorney General who is now helping to gin up racial unrest over a completely LEGAL verdict! Where was the NAACP when a 19 year old black young man was shot execution style and dumped on South Garrett Avenue in Dallas, TX shortly before Christmas, 1999, reportedly by Mexican thugs who accused, tried, convicted and executed him for pinching their drugs? He barely got a blurb in the paper because he was allegedly doing something illegal. Finally, if ANYONE expects equal treatment in this country, they need to stop trying to divide it. I am an AMERICAN. My family tree is diverse, but I see no need to hyphenate myself. African-American, Mexican-American, Cuban-American, Italian-American....who cares? The very fact you are here means you are an American. That's all that counts. Trayvon Martin's death is a tragedy but he was 75 yards from home and could've gone into that home and locked the door behind him. George Zimmerman got out of his vehicle but there is no evidence that he was doing anything but heading back to it when Martin decided to confront and batter him. Was Martin entitled to walk home in the rain? Absolutely! Was Zimmerman entitled to carry a gun and keep a watchful eye on him community? Absolutely! Was Martin entitled to confront, punch and batter Zimmerman just because he was a 17 year old and black? Absolutely not! And if his parents think they are blameless in letting him think this way, they are sadly mistaken. There are messages to be learned in this case, but the only way to learn them is to look at the facts. And one of the most important facts is the way some of our young people idolize thuggish behavior and bad choices and carry them into their own life.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Maybe I expect too much from the 21st century and the New Age of Technology. In my defense, I grew up with "The Flintstones" and "The Jetsons". The former represented my parents. And, c'mon, who hasn't heard the story of how hard life was for our parents? They walked 20 miles uphill in the snow BOTH WAYS to get to school. My beloved adopted mother was born in 1913. The gifts I got from her was my love of old movies, both silent and talkies, and a true appreciation of Big Band music. How many kids in the 60's and 70's could sing songs by The Andrew Sisters and Alice Faye? I could. But "The Jetsons" promised robot maids, flying cars that folded into brief cases and foods that you could whip up in a matter of seconds. Yes, the microwave can heat up a cup of soup in the blink of an eye. But that ain't a meal! Okay, the Rumba IS technically a robot that cleans floors, but it's no Rosie. And there was and is a car that turns into a plane and vice versa, but it sure as hell doesn't fold into a briefcase! We have cars that talk to us but I don't need conversation! I need a parking spot in downtown Frederick, MD from time to time!!! That collapsible car would work just fine for that. And while we are talking about dinosaur vehicles, how come the average car battery has gotten 20% to 30% smaller in my lifetime but 50% heavier?!?!? If I have to pull the battery for charging or testing it's like dropping anchor in the Chesapeake Bay!!! We need a battery about the size of an iPad that just slips into a slot on the vehicle like a credit card in an ATM. Are you listening, car companies? I drive a 1993 Chevy Van. It was practical when I was moving home to Maryland from Texas. Now I feel like Goliath among a herd of Davids driving down the highway. If I could figure how to put solar panels on the roof, I would save a fortune but it would cost a pretty penny to implement. Oh, what the hell. I'll just wait for that flying car that folds into a briefcase. It has to be right around the corner, right? By then I will have hit the lottery, too.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Today Americans again mourn another episode of senseless violence. What makes it even harder to take than the Batman premier in Colorado is that this involves innocent, very young children. Columbine shook us to our very depths. Then came Jonesboro, the Amish School and Virginia Tech, to name a few. To those of a certain age who remember the UT Austin shooting in 1966, this is nothing new but it is, nevertheless, horrible and frightening. To the far left wing nuts this is a time to trot out the stricter gun control montage. It's an opportunity to blame a lifeless piece of metal for the carnage that snuffed out the lives of children. But taking away every gun in this country would not stop the violence that dwells deep in the souls of troubled and/or evil individuals who are bent on doing harm to fellow human beings. Jack the Ripper used a knife with the skill of a professional. The person who laced Tylenol capsules in 1982 did so without gunpowder or lead or assault rifles. Poisoning, strangulation and stabbing has been around since the dawn of time. Are we to ban chemicals, ropes and sharp objects in the vain hope that we will somehow remain safe from the Boogey Man who awaits to cut short our lives and the lives of our loved ones? The media covers these kind of stories, not with the hope of helping the victims, but for the shameless purpose of grabbing ratings. Let these folk grieve in PRIVATE! Report the facts and leave it alone! Nancy Grace and her ilk would be out of jobs if we refused to watch them replay over and over the words of survivors and witnesses who are thrust into the spotlight when a reporter thrusts a microphone in their face to feed America's thirst for blood and gore. We've all seen that horrible accident that slows down our commute. There might even been a sheet draped body lying next to a crumpled hunk of metal in the grassy median. We know we shouldn't look, but we are inexplicably drawn to look until we turn the corner or we nearly rear end the car in front of us. Edgar Allan Poe made a name for himself by feeding the public macabre tales of the evil that fed the folks fascination even in that era. If we didn't have that fascination, shows like C.S.I. and movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre wouldn't exist. Does that mean that shows and movies are responsible for what happened on 12/14/2012 in Connecticut? Of course not! But I do believe the endless, and, in Nancy Grace's case, mindless media coverage that commandeers the airwaves just might reach that one person on the brink of a mental break to see violence as a way to grab the spotlight, go down in history and be remembered. The pimple faced geek who's shunned by members of the opposite sex. The employee who plods along at work every day without getting a "well done". The overweight person who constantly hears the whispers and snickers. The loner who lives to sit like a sponge in front of the fountain of information spewing from the TV, radio and internet sees stories like this and suddenly a light bulb goes off: I'll show them! I'll show them all! This issue is not about guns. The old saying is true: guns don't kill people, people kill people. This is about mental illness, depravity and downright evil. Stop feeding the beast! And recognize the problem. Too many times parents are too busy to notice that something isn't quite right about little Susie or Johnny. Stop saying "not my kid" or "he'll outgrow it". Everybody cries over "Old Yeller" because the dog dies. The dog was sick and that sickness made it a monster. Mental illness is not rabies. There is treatment out there if one actually acknowledges it exists. Nancy Grace needs to shut the hell up and focus on raising her kids instead of feeding like a buzzard on the carrion of disasters.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fox News was quick to hurl condemnations at President Obama for taking a $1,000,000 campaign donation from Bill Maher. Sean Hannity was outraged because Maher and David Letterman cracked jokes at the Palin Family. Sarah Palin IS a joke and when she landed a job as a Fox News contributor, people could breathe a sigh of relief. You see, that is where washed up politicians go when it becomes clear that they will never again hold public office: FOX NEWS. But Fox News continually signs the paycheck of Greg Gutfeld. Come on! NO ONE in America is that stupid to think that this small little garden gnome of a person could ever be qualified to be a serious political journalist. Yet there he is everyday at 5 o'clock cracking jokes that defame the office of the president. And Hannity can't go one show without calling the president "The Annointed One" or "President Crybaby". These talking heads thump their chests and call themselves and those who agree with them "proud Americans", yet every soldier past and present knows that they don't have to like the man, they must respect the uniform. Those are the true Americans, the men and women who may not agree with the war, but lay down their very lives to fight it. Personally, I believe that anyone and everyone wanting to hold the office of the President should have military service listed on their resume. Maybe they wouldn't be so quick to send our brave men and women off to war. But that is not yet a requirement. And please don't call up the spectre of George W. Bush's presidency. The man did everything BUT serve his country during VietNam. You can't fight Viet Cong when cocaine clouds your brain and he was apparently quite allied with Columbia. As far as all of those states wanting to secede from the Union because Mitt Romney didn't win the hearts of Americans? Now who are the crybabys? Texas has been talking secession since we stole it from Mexico. Let them secede first. I lived there for 23 years and the ONLY good thing I took from it is my youngest son who was born there. Texas has the crookedest police and politicians in the nation. JFK was cut down in Texas because he didn't represent their beliefs at the time. The anti-Democrat mindset of the time made winning the state a priority for Kennedy. He would've been better off to flip the whole damned state the bird and them secede right then and there. Texas only has 3 claims to fame: the assassination of a beloved Democratic president and the successful elections of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. That's NOTHING to be proud of. I say let the crybabies secede, cut off all U.S. help. While they're at it, let them have Greg Gutfeld and Sean Hannity. True Americans have little use for the likes of them

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Am I the only one in this whole country who is sick to death of the upcoming presidential election? The ads are irritating enough by themselves. But when the local channels interrupt programs that I watch on a regular basis to run 2 or 3 ads for each party back to back, I get really aggravated! Then there are the debates. Not only to they interrupt programming, we have to hear every talking head run off at the mouth about how their personal favorite won or lost and how to improve on the next one. If the American folks have not already decided who they are voting for, folks like Sean Hannity and Chris Matthews should not be allowed to preach to them. If I had to have the likes of Greg Gutfeld's "opinion" to make up my mind, they should revoke my voter's card. Greg Gutfeld?!?!? What is Fox News thinking? Comedians, including Bill Maher, have no place commenting on affairs of state. This country, for the most part, doesn't make much effort to inform themselves about anything. They nod their heads like little bobble heads to the mutterings of Hannity and Matthews and then blindly check the little box for the choice of MSNBC for FoxNews. I personally think all pundits should be silenced from Oct.1 til election day. Make the lazy voters wake up and READ the issues, listen to the debates before they vote. Think of aptitude tests. You KNEW they were coming and, in some cases, it was a 2 or 3 day event. When we were kids we didn't care what box we carefully filled in with that sharp No.2 pencil. All that test meant to us was free time. We didn't have to listen, like Charlie Brown, to the WAH, WAH, WAH of the teacher. We didn't realize that the test results meant more/less money for our districts. That's how some people vote. Hannity hates Obama and loves Romney, so, as a Hannity viewer, they'll check that box for Romney. Same for the MSNBC viewers when it comes to Obama. We're in far too perilous a position to go with the flow. I don't care who you vote for. I just want you to be EDUCATED before you check that box. Hannity and Matthews are wealthy men. They don't worry about having the money to fill their gas tanks or deciding whether to buy processed mac and cheese or an occasional steak because you never get to go out anymore. Vote for what YOU believe, because YOU have to live with it.